Quest 1: Move from shared hosting to VPS

In my first series of articles, I'll be sharing my quest of moving a large website from shared hosting to a VPS.

Quest 1: Move from shared hosting to VPS
Photo by Andrew Neel / Unsplash

A bit about me: I'm not a developer. By day, I'm an account manager at Copernica, and by night, I'm the owner and editor-in-chief of De Nachtvlinders, one of the most popular Dutch websites about the horror genre. The WordPress site has nearly 7k posts and has been on shared hosting for the last 15 years. So that is all my knowledge about hosting.

Now, the goal is to migrate the site to an unmanaged VPS. This is all new to me, so I'll be documenting my steps, the resources I used, and any lingering questions I encounter along the way.

Here are the steps I plan to follow to achieve this:

  1. Configure a VPS with Docker and set up a reverse proxy.
  2. Set up a Ghost blog (yes, this one).
  3. Set up a WordPress blog and move a small site from shared hosting to the VPS.
  4. Configure a second VPS and migrate the horror website there.

Are you with me on this quest?